The Four Levels and The Art of Balance
As human beings, we exist on a myriad of levels simultaneously. Four of the most obvious ones are
- Spirit
- Mind
- Emotions
- Physical body
If we connect with one, we can always communicate with the other levels. Why? Because we are ONE being, with many facets, beautifully expanding into infinite dimensions. For instance, each cell is ONE being, with all ingredients of the cell working together in harmony; each individual person is ONE being, connected in all ways to him/her/themself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In addition, all humans combine to make ONE being – the human family, and we can connect with each other through the spiritual plane. (When I say spiritual plane, I’m acknowledging that which creates and gives birth to all of life. You can call that force whatever you want.)
The ONE being of humanity is also ONE with the Earth and all of creation. We are ONE with our Creator. All aspects of our Self are available to us, but we need to open up with honesty and patience in order to make contact.
When a person is lost within an addiction and wants to get out, one tangible thing will become blatantly apparent: life has lost its balance. Perhaps due to childhood trauma, life never was in balance to begin with. The good news is that balance is always available to every person. It takes some letting go, perseverance and honesty to get there, and constant flexibility and inner listening to maintain it, but it is possible for everyone. Granted, some people live in war zones and poverty where basic survival is threatened, and I don’t minimize their suffering. For most of us who take this course, though, our situations can change with new decisions, often miraculously (and miracles are available to everyone, no matter what the circumstance). This is the kind of change that we’re after here.
To have a healthy and happy life, the four levels must be in balance. It’s a life-long dance to learn how to adjust and recalibrate them. I think of it as an inner and outer yoga or tai chi session that’s constantly going on. And in order to live with these aspects in synergy with each other, we need to realize that our thoughts lead the process.