Get a journal and begin writing, or use the Workbook that came with this course so you can type on your computer if you prefer. Check in with yourself about the following questions:
- Daily Practice. Ask yourself, “What inner practice can I choose to help myself start every day in a healthy way?” Examples are reading an uplifting book or quote, going for a walk in nature, taking time for prayer, intention or meditation, focusing on gratitude, and/or doing some basic stretches with a loving, grateful heart.
It’s amazing to me how helpful it is to have a daily practice. It can be fine-tuned to include what you love and need most. Personally, I read a portion of A Course in Miracles, then sit quietly in meditation and prayer. What would be helpful for you?
Making a commitment to begin each day in gratitude and clarity will set your heart and mind into a high vibration. You can build your sense of love and peace from this foundation. It will help you to recover from any addictions (obvious and subtle) that you may be in the process of healing.
This practice of daily inner alignment is essential to your health on all levels. You can also do it at night before you go to sleep. It will definitely help you, so why not start now?
- What do you think and feel about your two kinds of mind – your ego mind and your Divine Mind? Describe for yourself what your ego is like. When does it arise? Do you notice it? When? What about your connection to the Divine Mind? Do you make space for it in your day? Do you find it in your art, intuition or dreams?
- What are your thoughts and feelings about addiction in general? Can you relate to what you’ve read so far? If so, in what way?
- What do you think of when you see the word “forgiveness”? Do you find that you hold on to grudges and resentments? If so, how does this affect you? Are you open to learning even more about an expanded, radical kind of forgiveness?
- Why did you choose this course? What are you hoping to gain from it?
We will explore these things in more detail as this course progresses. For now, you can answer these questions generally and get more specific later.
Thank you for your willingness to look into these subjects with an open heart and mind!
"When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free." - Catherine Ponder, author of Open Your Mind to Receive
“The most important step out of karmic law is forgiveness.” — Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, A New Earth and Stillness Speaks.